The tooth fairy has visited! After three long and very loose weeks, Logan’s first tooth has fallen out. One of her classmates informed her that she is now a member of the “tooth club.” She asked me when they meet and what that really means. I ended up going down the road of some long and winding discussion of milestones and being at certain points in your life when I really should have just said, “Thursdays.” I feel like time is all of a sudden flying for her. Changes are happening everyday and she is growing up in her looks, her experiences and her understanding of the world around her. I am thrilled and excited and love the person that she’s growing into more and more each day. But I miss her a little bit too, her thumb-sucking, her silly questions, her baby face. I miss before-her-tooth-club-membership Logan….. but I can’t wait to see what’s next!
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