Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Out in the middle of.... somewhere special!

I can’t tell you how many people thought we were nuts packing up and moving even farther from the city and the rat race. A friend asked me today if I really like it out here and I couldn’t help but answer with a resounding “Yes!” The fact is that I wholeheartedly do.

When we contracted to build our new house, I must admit that I wasn’t 100% sure of our decision. I knew and supported all of our reasons for the change, but my heart was far from in it. Thankfully, the seven months we waited for completion of the house were just what I needed to start laying roots here in Oswego and really start to love it. From the beginning, Mike and I were hooked on coming out at least once a week to look at the empty lot, drive around the town and investigate. Our excitement grew tenfold when they dug the hole for our foundation – now we really had something to sink our teeth into! All of a sudden we were on our way out to look twice a week, sometimes packing the kids into the car at their normal bedtime because we couldn’t wait another day to check the progress. By the time our closing date came around, we really liked the house and neighborhood and were falling in love with the surrounding area as well.

It didn’t take long after moving in to start to feel like home here. Mike and I have both commented on how there is just a good feeling in our house; how it feels like it is totally meant to be. I’m thinking that’s a good sign considering we don’t have a speck of paint on the walls yet. I remember one early day sitting on the front porch after a long walk and catching the sunset for the first time. I was literally moved to tears while realizing how blessed I was to be able to see this sunset every day that I live here. I’ve seen a lot of sunsets, especially during the five years that Mike and I lived in Florida, but the sky just seems bigger here. And more colorful. And totally breathtaking.

I drove to the dentist on Saturday and made a wrong turn. I found myself cruising down a road that seemed to be getting smaller and smaller. It was filled with homes that could have been in any regular neighborhood, except they all had fields full of grazing horses. This is pretty much my idea of heaven. (I know, low expectations!) But really for me, there’s nothing better than rolling hills of cornfields and trees interspersed with horse farms. Once again, this wonderful little place called Oswego moved me to tears.

I just love it here and am so thankful that we were given the forethought to consider making our life here. I love the people, the schools, the progression and the landscape of this beautiful town. I am so blessed to be one of its residents and so grateful that our children have this wonderful place in which to root and grow. All I’ve got to figure out now is what type of fertilizer to use!

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