This weekend we traveled to Iowa City to stay with our wonderful friends who live there. Together we went to see a Ralph's World concert and the girls could not have had a better time. Between the three rockin' moms that went, we had a gaggle of five girls by our sides. When Ralph hit the stage, they were all up and dancing and kept going for the whole show. For me, it was one of those moments in parenthood that are so far and few between. You know, the kind where you're almost completely overwhelmed with joy watching your kids experience something amazing and so utterly grateful that you have been able to provide them with that experience. Man do I want more of these moments!
It wasn't that it was something over-the-top or really expensive, it was just a concert. But it was a ROCK concert and felt like one, too. I thought Riley would jump out of her skin when she realized how close we were to the stage. Then Ralph announced that all the kids could dance in the mash pit, so us moms tagged along. Even though I was kneeling along side the stage and not head-banging, it still felt like the real deal. It didn't matter that the subjects of Ralph's songs range from happy lemons to hootenannies, it was just plain fun.
For the last two songs, we were all invited on stage and Logan, Riley and I gladly joined the band along with tons of other eager participants. The music was blaring right along with their precious smiles, their eyes were wide and you could just tell they were soaking it all in. (I was too, it's not everyday I get this opportunity!) I twirled them around and around to the music and couldn't help but think how fast time is flying, how good I have it and how moments like these really make your life.
So thanks, Ralph, for your rockin' songs about puppy dogs, green gorillas and mommies needing coffee. Thanks for singing right to our kids and making them feel like they were the only ones out there. Thanks for your jokes and the occasional adult humor you pepper throughout the show. Thanks for some pretty awesome memories from the mash pit!
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