The thrill of all this writing, for a little money, is way too cool. But there is one big downfall, the end of my daily or every-other-day blogs. At this point, I am doing my writing, about eight pieces a month, with all but four requiring multiple source interviews, at night, on weekends and during the occasional nap of Finn’s. I hate writing during the day, because the girls get the shaft. I am definitely at max capacity for working this way and have begun the process of trying to find a wonderful at home day care in my neighborhood where Finn could spend a few hours a week. I hate to do it, but it’s only a few hours and it would lighten the load so much. Plus, Mike wouldn’t have to walk in from a hard day’s work twice a week and immediately shift into super dad – taking over dinner mid-serve – at the most difficult and crazy kid-time of day. Believe me, doing it this way is worth it, but it would be great to have it continue to ease into our lives instead of it getting challenging too soon.
But this blog thing is driving me crazy! I miss it so much and just can’t seem to find the time to get it on the priority list. It’s such an amazing outlet, such a creative release for me; I just need to get it back on my radar screen. Plus, it seems when I let too much time pass between posts, they all seem to be about the CENTER OF OUR UNIVERSE right now, Finn. Not that he isn’t one of our centers, but zooming the camera out to the one week view seems to only allow for Finn’s “big disasters or triumphs” of the week.
(Believe me, it’s mostly disasters.) But seriously, here’s my week in snippets, starting Monday, St. Patrick’s Day: Finn removes diaper and pees in bed, Finn spills special Lucky Charms breakfast ALL OVER floor, Finn dumps yogurt drink all over dog, Finn cries in gym nursery (my one escape) and we have to leave, I find Finn with an empty Tylenol canister from a bag I used SEVEN years ago (I don’t even know where he found it), I call poison control center not knowing if he ate any pills – I’m sure, after two Finn-related calls, I now have some kind of record there.
This is an account of Monday, March 17th, between the hours of 8 and 11 am, and there are countless details of those three hours that I have omitted. I’m sure you understand how, with my adorable Tasmanian devil, there is almost no time for Logan and Riley, or Mike and me to even participate in this life, let alone my blog. Hence the need for my return to more frequent posting. Not only do my two (crazy wonderful due to their brotherly rival) girls deserve center stage every once in awhile, but I can’t risk the little man developing a complex from the constant stream of motherly frustration (always coated in loads of motherly love, of course) filling these therapeutic ‘pages’.
No, I won’t really give you my whole week in review, I think you get the idea. And to his Dennis the Menace credit, I have to tell you how the week ended. In the midst of a house guest, egg hunts, a great party and more Easter candy than kids can actually eat, our little 22 month old tornado pooped on the potty. Talk about a triumph! It was glorious and all of us immediate family members were there to celebrate and cheer him on. I was two seconds behind him as he barreled down the hall and hopped in our bed, where he promptly finished his business and went potty.
So in the midst of our party, I was washing all of our bedding. That little guy just has to put his special touch on everything!!
But this blog thing is driving me crazy! I miss it so much and just can’t seem to find the time to get it on the priority list. It’s such an amazing outlet, such a creative release for me; I just need to get it back on my radar screen. Plus, it seems when I let too much time pass between posts, they all seem to be about the CENTER OF OUR UNIVERSE right now, Finn. Not that he isn’t one of our centers, but zooming the camera out to the one week view seems to only allow for Finn’s “big disasters or triumphs” of the week.
(Believe me, it’s mostly disasters.) But seriously, here’s my week in snippets, starting Monday, St. Patrick’s Day: Finn removes diaper and pees in bed, Finn spills special Lucky Charms breakfast ALL OVER floor, Finn dumps yogurt drink all over dog, Finn cries in gym nursery (my one escape) and we have to leave, I find Finn with an empty Tylenol canister from a bag I used SEVEN years ago (I don’t even know where he found it), I call poison control center not knowing if he ate any pills – I’m sure, after two Finn-related calls, I now have some kind of record there.
This is an account of Monday, March 17th, between the hours of 8 and 11 am, and there are countless details of those three hours that I have omitted. I’m sure you understand how, with my adorable Tasmanian devil, there is almost no time for Logan and Riley, or Mike and me to even participate in this life, let alone my blog. Hence the need for my return to more frequent posting. Not only do my two (crazy wonderful due to their brotherly rival) girls deserve center stage every once in awhile, but I can’t risk the little man developing a complex from the constant stream of motherly frustration (always coated in loads of motherly love, of course) filling these therapeutic ‘pages’.
No, I won’t really give you my whole week in review, I think you get the idea. And to his Dennis the Menace credit, I have to tell you how the week ended. In the midst of a house guest, egg hunts, a great party and more Easter candy than kids can actually eat, our little 22 month old tornado pooped on the potty. Talk about a triumph! It was glorious and all of us immediate family members were there to celebrate and cheer him on. I was two seconds behind him as he barreled down the hall and hopped in our bed, where he promptly finished his business and went potty.
So in the midst of our party, I was washing all of our bedding. That little guy just has to put his special touch on everything!!
1 comment:
I was feeling it all from the beginning to the conclusion of this entry and ended up smiling and laughing out loud. Thanks for another fun glimpse into the Anderson's world and your wonderful ability to "not sweat the everyday stuff". You re-focus me on life.
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