Thursday, January 10, 2008

I Am Invisible

Today, as I continued down my laundry list of items that has been growing since before the holidays, I had this thought: “I am invisible.” Here’s what I was doing when this revelation occurred to me: replacing empty toilet paper rolls, filling empty soap dispensers, putting laundry away from a few days ago while beginning what will amount to at least five loads for today. When I filled the soap containers, I wondered whether my family members actually think that the soap never runs out.

Earlier this week, after seeing that Mike had placed an empty bottle of lotion on the bathroom vanity, I replaced it that same day. Today, I put the new package right next to his sink so that he’d realize he had more. As I did this, I had to laugh at the thought of the possibility of someone in my life who, with no spoken words, actually did this type of thing for me. I mean, can you imagine just leaving an empty milk jug on the counter and having a new one there the next morning? What about having someone miraculously refill your travel baby wipes, diapers and Kleenex so that, when caught on the spot, you always had what you needed? And lastly, can you even imagine what it might be like to actually go to the bathroom and not be stranded, staring at the empty cardboard tube?

This is what life is like for those who live here, let me tell you! Don’t get me wrong, I have an incredibly wonderful and helpful husband who comes through for me all the time, I am not complaining at all. It’s just funny to think about the possibility of having one of “me”, in my own life, to run around and handle all the behind the scenes stuff. Sounds heavenly, I think.

I would certainly enlist that “me” to watch my kids a few days a week so that I could go to the gym gloriously alone and not get called out for a big, bad diaper (diaper bag was lacking in supplies) and a bloody nose in the same week. As a matter of fact, she could do all the diapers! I would have her clean the whole house once a week, including the sheets; a dream come true. I’d certainly hand over the bulk of my laundry to her and lots of the errands that are no fun at all, like banking and groceries and paying bills. And if I had her for all that, what would I do?

Well, I’d like to think I’d be the kind of mom I want to be every minute; completely kid-absorbed and involved with energy for all kinds of playing and learning. I’d write like crazy and become my own version of Erma Bombeck, or something like that. I’d be in fabulous shape, look great when my husband walked in the door at night and cook up a gourmet storm. I’d have the Garden of Eden out back in the summer and twenty kinds of Christmas cookies for the holidays.

Damn, that sounds good.

Guess I’ll just have to try to do it without her. A girl can dream, right?


T. Suzanne Eller said...

I think you just described every mother's dream. : )

You sound like a caring mom. Your family is blessed.

Suzie Eller

mary said...

This was like reading into a magic moment as I thought of what it would be like to have one of me to handle the surplus or even the everyday stuff. What tends to be stresses in everyday life for the most of us (the little stuff that can spiral out of control and snuff out a good mood temporarily and sometimes even ruin a day), you seem to effortlessly put into a new perspective and make it good and fun and worthwhile and catch the moment before it turns the wrong direction. Your honest and positive twist on life, that is evident in each entry, not only hits home but leaves me with a smile on my face or just feeling "good" - and anxious for the next entry. That is the way I would like to end all my experiences - who wouldn't? Thanks!

n8 said...

LOVE IT! Keep writing. Tiffany