I have found myself chuckling about it lately, though. I mean, how things have changed! A decade ago, before kids, we would have thought each other were crazy for suggesting anything like that and never would have considered it. We would have planned to do a million things, that cost a ton of money, and we would have stayed out until 4 am. Believe me, I would love to have a ton of money to spend, but the thought of staying out until 4 makes me cringe. Yes, I am much more enticed by the thought of hours on end of peace and quiet alternating with catching up time; both without the interruption of the little voices I love so much. I am enamored with the images and feelings of relaxing in a hot tub, showering without a knock on the shower door, getting ready and eating a shamefully delicious meal, with no one hitting me on the arm and asking for bites. I can’t wait to really connect with my friends. To end the night with a movie of our choice, to have the energy to stay awake long enough to see the credits and even talk about it for a moment and then fall into a blissful sleep – it’s too much. Finally, to top it all off with no middle-of-the-night wake up calls and the ability to sleep later than usual… well, I am excited beyond words.
Maybe it sounds boring; to many I’m sure it does. But it’s exactly what I need; just 24 wonderful hours to recharge. I’ve been finding myself daydreaming about it as I would have anticipated spring break in years past. I can’t wait!
I want to come so badly!!
I was so excited to see this! Glad we are on the same page. It sounds perfect. Bring your magazines.
Susan...get that girl weaned. We want you there.
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