Finding out my brother Dan was packing up and head north, WAY NORTH, to finish up school in Soldotna at the University of Alaska, was not the best news I've ever heard. But I couldn't be more excited for the adventure he's undertaken, the life experience he's sure to have and the fact that he's living out a dream. Bunches of us gathered, last minute, at our place to send him off right and say "goodbye for now" last Thursday night. Logan and Riley had many tears to shed, but they were relieved by thoughts of him flying home for Christmas. On Friday morning, he was off!
My Dad and Dan traveled over 3700 miles through five days and all sorts of climates and terrains and arrived in Anchorage on Tuesday. They were laughed at by locals who found their summer clothes amusing and almost grew accustomed to seeing a mama bear playing with her cubs when they crossed a river or driving through a heard of buffalo. They've made pals with Santa's reindeer, so the Anderson kids have nothing to fear this year!
They've told me that the land there is far beyond what we can even imagine in terms of beauty and that Mike and I must, no matter what, begin saving so that we can find a way to get up there with our kids to see Dan in his new, truly awesome habitat. It seems plans for our romantic 15 year anniversary celebration (next year) in Italy will be swapped out with a family-style Alaskan adventure. But that's okay - we wouldn't miss it for the world!
Here's to Dan's adventure, remembering to grab life with both hands and to loving every minute of it!!
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