Thursday, October 14, 2010

This blur called life

Where is the time going? It seems just yesterday I was blogging regularly and then mid-summer hit. Now it's already the middle of October, my calendar feels as booked as Obama's and I just realized I better get busy on Christmas lists. Ugh. Where is the fun in all this running around?

A good mother would likely go back in time and write posts for every remarkable, funny or important thing that has happened in the last several months. I guess I'm not that good of a mother. All I can do is try to recommit myself to what I consider an imperative part of my life and a story that must be told, if only for those participating in it. Someday, Logan, Riley and Finn will only have these words and their childhood memories.

In the meantime, I'll continue at warp speed, pausing only to wish my jeans were looser and my hair more often brushed. I'll deliver everyone to where they need to be, donate my time when needed, plan for the future, make sure teeth are brushed well, help them study the world's oceans, lead the Daisy troop, cheer on the athletes, work on things that might be lagging behind, write my butt off, drum up business, urge my kids to "eat a rainbow", catch my husband at some time during his 31/2 daily hours of commute, study tax requirements, cook, clean, hope and dream.

As I write this, I realize I have not posted for one reason only: the tag line of this blog. In truth, "finding good in every day" has not been something that has come easily lately. I'm sure it's pretty obvious from this Debbie Downer of a post. There's only one gal who can change this ship's course: me.

I've felt especially cheated because I hate feeling downtrodden in of all months, October. Autumn is hands-down my favorite season and I can't think of many others where I've felt so blue. But the fact is that it is just another season and soon to be over at that. Change is a comin'.

Debbie Downer signing off...for good.


Grammy said...
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Grammy said...

Ooops, hit the wrong button, and it deleted me. Trying again...

Hi Molly (goodbye Debbie Downer),

Don't feel down trodden for one moment more.

Yes,the time is "a fleeting" but you can pause it, if only for a bit... every now and again...

Step up from your daily schedule and walk out the front door and breath in the scents of the season you love so much - and get a grip!

Autumn is your favorite time of the year and it is UNLIKE any other - it will never be "just another season" - no way - not for you and NOT FOR ME either. (you took your first breath of life during this season - need I say more...)

Think of how wonderful a mother and wife and writer and daughter and friend and Daisy leader and chauffeur and counselor and maid and nurse and on and on you are - concentrate on the "dreaming" part of your day and push those blues right out of your mind.

By the way, in the midst of your hectic life, you always find the good in everyday and help me to see it too. You have a way to focus me. Thank you for that.

You are my first, awesome, grown up child - and I think you are beyond wonderful.

How about a mother - daughter manicure and pedicure to kick off the holiday season???!!! Let's not just think about doing it, let's do it. Put it on the calendar and call me with the date. I'll make the appointment. I love you, Mom